Facebook & Instagram Ads vs Google Ads

Before you start any kind of advertising campaign for your e-commerce business, it's important to understand the difference between Facebook Ads vs Google Ads.

Both platforms offer vast potential for reaching new customers, but they both work in different ways and have different strengths. So which one should you use? Here's a quick look at how Facebook Ads and Google Ads work, and some tips on deciding which is right for you.

Facebook and Instagram Ads are delivered into the social feeds of your ideal customer. Referred to as ‘interruption marketing’, they can be highly targeted by age, gender, location and interests. You can even create ‘lookalike’ audiences of people who have performed a specific action, e.g. people who have purchased, visited your website or landed on a specific page. They're highly effective in driving traffic to your website or online store and can help you reach new audiences of people who aren’t yet aware of your product or service.

Google Ads appear when someone performs a search on Google.com as well as appearing on Google's partner websites. They're perfect if your product or service is something that customers will already be actively searching for using keywords and search terms. These can also be targeted to a specific audience and customised to appear at specific times or in specific locations.

So which one should you use? The answer depends on your specific business goals. If you're looking to raise awareness of your product or service among a new audience, Facebook Ads can be a great option. If you're looking to increase traffic to your website or online store, Google Ads could be exactly what you need. Although they work in different ways, used together, they can work hand in hand to give your e-commerce business a huge boost.

Still not sure which is right for you? As a Facebook and Google Ads specialist, I can create and manage a bespoke campaign that's tailored to your specific needs. Get in touch today to find out more.


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